Tivoliz Treasured Inspiration, JH
DNA #V320151
Breeder: Deborah Lynn Stern, Tivoliz Vizslas
Tivoliz Treasured Inspiration, aka Portia, is Siren's first born.  Like her name, Portia is a "treasured inspiration" but she is also a "wild child"!  A beautiful girl with tons of spunk and a face you can't help but adore.  No one knows what the future will hold for Portia but she is sure to tackle it with beauty, style, enthusiasm and attitude!
Born on the Ides of March, the litter had names from Julius Ceasar; Portia was Brutus' wife.  She also appears in the Merchant of Venice as the heroine, a beautiful and rich heiress pursued by Bassanio.

In Latin, Portia means "offering" or "something that is given."
How fitting as Portia is clearly a gift from her mother to our family.
Portia winning a
Sporting Group
at her first match.
Portia in show-mode at
Nationals, 2004.
(7 months)
Portia celebrates her first birthday with hunt test success!
Portia is much loved and adored.  She puts a smile on the faces of everyone she meets with her boundless enthusiasm and love for life.  Her happiness is contagious! 
Portia on the MOVE!
1 year)